Physiotherapist in Parkview
Physiotherapist in Parkview
Are you looking for a Physiotherapist that is more than just a physiotherapist? then Northcliff Physiotherapist is your answer, this is a highly qualified and experienced Physiotherapist offering first class individualised treatment for a wide range of physical and stress related ailments in order to improve the quality of your life. Whether you require pain relief, rehabilitation from injuries or ailments, or relaxation therapies, your Physiotherapist in Parkview can help.
Mandy has a special interest in the treatment and management of the cervical spine, TMJ dysfunction and post-operative care of orthopaedic and TMJ patients.Mandy Gossip Physiotherapist also developed another interest which started with looking at the effect that the sacroiliac joint (pelvis) has on sports injuries and lower back pain. She then started presenting courses on this subject and lectured locally and also presented at congresses locally. She has furthered her studies extensively in many areas of physiotherapy and osteopathic medicine.
listed below are the common
conditions treated at the Physiotherapist
in Parkview include:
- Sports Injuries
They treat
a wide variety of sports related injuries and conditions such as tennis,
golfers’ elbow, Achilles tendon problems, knee meniscus tears, and general
overuse problems in various regions of the body such as the shoulders and hips.
Gossip Physiotherapist provides rehabilitation from injuries such as post fracture,
surgery, ligament damage and muscular tears. Most sports injuries result from
muscle and biomechanical imbalances. At the Physiotherapist in Parkview
they assess the cause of the injury since they know it is very important for corrective treatment and
- Orthopaedic Conditions
knees and shoulders, ankle injuries, arthritic joints, ligament and cartilage
tears may be a result of joint restrictions, joint instability, muscle imbalances,
or due to trauma. Mandy Gossip Physiotherapist knows assessing
biomechanical imbalances throughout the body is required . Treatment includes
pre- and post-operative rehabilitation of joints, rehabilitation of painful
knees and shoulders using the McConnell method of taping and biofeedback
training, and specific correction of joint dysfunctions using manual therapy
- CranioSacral Therapy for babies and children
This treatment can be very effective for glue-ear, irritability, continual
crying, feeding problems, colic, ADD, ADHD and cerebral palsy. It has always been Mandy’s fundamental
belief that if you restore movement, you create joy, health and quality of life.
More recently, Gyrotonics and Gyrokenesis
have been introduced as part of the treatments
offered at which has an influence on our whole
physiology. This system is effective in looking at our extremities as an
extension of our spine. If we are able to safely improve the range and quality
of motion of the spine, this will help to unlock the joints of the upper and
lower extremities to allow for effective transfer of forces, prevent injuries,
and improve the quality of life