Physiotherapist in Florida
Physiotherapist in Florida
Mandy Gossip Physiotherapist helps patients with physical difficulties resulting from illness, injury, disability or ageing to improve their movement and reduce the risk of further problems arising in the future.
Mandy Gossip Physiotherapist understands thatas a physiotherapist you’ll meet with patients to assess their physical problem or disorder. Having made a diagnosis, you’ll then design and review appropriate treatment programmes using a range of techniques, including manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and electrotherapy.
The Physiotherapist in Florida they will be treating patients, but at the same time they will also promote their health and wellbeing and provide advice on how to avoid injury and self-manage long-term conditions.
Patients treated by Mandy Gossip Physiotherapist can include children, the elderly, stroke patients and people with sports injuries.
You might be wondering what does responsibilities of Physiotherapist in Florida
- working with patients who have a range of conditions, including neurological, neuromusculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory, sometimes over a period of weeks
- diagnose, assess and treat their physical problem or condition
- develop and review treatment programmes that encourage exercise and movement by the use of a range of techniques
- involve parents and carers in the treatment, review and rehabilitation of patients
- educate patients and their carers about how to prevent and or improve conditions
- write patient case notes and reports and collect statistics
- liaise with other healthcare professionals, such as GPs, occupational therapists and social workers, to exchange information about the background and progress of patients, as well as to refer patients who require other medical attention
- keep up to date with new techniques and technologies available for treating patients
- supervise student and junior physiotherapists and physiotherapy support workers
- be legally responsible and accountable
- be caring, compassionate and professional at all times
- manage clinical risk.
At Physiotherapist in Florida they provide their patients with insight into the common causes of back pain, back pain prevention tips as well as self-help techniques for full recovery. Here are conditions treated at Physiotherapist in Florida
- Back and neck pain
- Other joint and muscle pain, including arthritis
- Headaches
- Chronic pain, including fibromyalgia
- Sports injuries
- Post-surgical rehabilitation and pain relief
- General body conditioning, including Pilates
- Respiratory conditions
- Women’s health conditions
- Lymphoedema
Mandy Gossip Physiotherapist offers physiotherapy assessments and treatments for all injuries. She addresses back and neck problems such as sciatica, disc herniation and headaches. The sports injuries we frequently treat include rotator cuff tears, patellofemoral dysfunction, muscle tears and ankle sprains. Other
Services offered by Physiotherapist in Florida include individualised back rehabilitation using the Pilates’ method, back strengthening exercises and classes, sports’ performance programmes, vertigo therapy, hip, knee and shoulder replacement rehabilitation
At Mandy Gossip Physiotherapist, they strive to provide patients with evidence-based, quality physiotherapy services, contact them at We are passionate about improving health and wellness using a hands-on and holistic treatment approach.